Tuesday, April 12, 2011


A lovely lady named Heather suggested that I ask for submissions from anybody who might encounter this blog. Submit a picture and the back story of an undercover Mexican you might know and/or love (famous or not, we all brothers undercover). I'd prefer a picture of the undercover Mexican not looking Mexican AND looking pretty Mexican. For instance:

As previously stated: I am half Mexican. My daddy is Mexican and my mommy is white (all kinds of white), but everybody thinks I am Asian (even though I don't usually have a Hello Kitty band aid on my chin) or French. I don't speak Spanish, but I DO have a BIG Guadalupe tattoo so I think I'm pretty safe on the Mexican side of things.

This might make things more clear:


Any other bizarre Mexican related things may also be submitted for shits and giggles to le.haricot@gmail.com as well. Just title your email "Undercover Mexican." Thanks!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Mexican Summer

Just the name of an album, or a subconscious attempt to take us back to 1930s Mexican socialist ideals?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I actually am as lazy as a daisy...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Alfred Molina...

is not an undercover Mexican. I thought he was, but he isn't:

He's BRITISH! I found out while watching The Late Late Show, and as Craig greeted him with his Scottish accent, Alfred Molina busted out with this neither-Mexican-nor-any-other-kind-of-hispanic accent. I was a little sad, but not as sad as I would have been if his accent was something other than English. His daddy was Spanish though... like you do. His mama - Italian.

I know what you're saying. You're saying "Marcelina... of course Doctor Octopus isn't Mexican!" Whatever dude. Say that to me while looking at this:

Diego Rivera, bitches.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I am a bad Mexican...

because I hate cilantro. After reading this lovely blog I found this:

I feel better now.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Let All The Children Boogie

David Bowie pulled off a mullet. I just realized that. Just now, at this very moment.
I was watching this:

and I thought, "I'm totally going to cut my hair like that. Oh wait. I can't do that because that is a mullet... David Bowie had a mullet?!?! "

Black is white. Up is down. Mullets are cool.*

*But only on David Bowie

Thursday, October 14, 2010

James Roday

... was an undercover Mexican. I had no idea until the USA Characters commercials outed him as half-Mexican:

And then whenever that commercial was on and he would say "I'm half-Mexican," I'd jump up and be all like, "Meeee toooo! That's m... I'm ... Meeeee tooo! .... Sweeeeeeeet!"

Anyway, real name: James David RodrĂ­guez. Here he is as a white guy playing a Mexican of some sorts in "Lights, Camera... Homocidio!", the telenovela episode of Psych:

That's a gooood episode.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Anthony Quinn...

is an undercover Mexican. But we all knew that. So I suppose he's not that undercover any more:

His daddy was a little bit Irish though so his last name really is Quinn. (Well, Antonio Rodolfo Quinn Oaxaca, where Oaxaca is his mama's last name... you know.) Here he is with Rita Hayworth:

And there you go.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Rita Hayworth...

is not an undercover Mexican. I thought she was for a long time though:

Turns out her daddy was Spanish,* which explains the last-name-change-thing (Hayworth was her mama's last name). Here she is after the studio got ahold of her hair removal situation:

Vive le différence blonde.

*To all of New York: Only people from Spain are "Spanish."

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